Why book with me

This site is free and I hope the advice is useful. I also have to make a living, and I hope you’ll reward my effort by booking through me.

This won’t cost you any extra. In fact it could save you money. I act as an agent so I can offer you impartial advice and the opportunity to book with most of the main operators. I also offer boats from smaller operators who you may not find yourself, or who may not even have their own website.

Unlike some agents, I don’t have ties to any particular suppliers. For those that believe quality is important, I’ll recommend those I think are good. I’ve not seen every yacht afloat but after many years both delivering and selling sailing holidays, I’ve been on a lot, seen many more, and heard a lot of other people’s experiences.

For those that just want the cheapest deal, I’ll scour as many suppliers I can to find you just that. I use at least 5 industry search engines which between them cover 1000’s of yachts form hundreds of operators around the world.

And if after looking around the site you still aren’t sure what’s best for you, get in touch and I’ll work through it with you, without obligation.